December, please be good to me.

Life’s a climb but the view is great.

He who does not hope to win has already lost.

A smile is a curve that makes everything straight.

I can’t love you, maybe tomorrow I will…

Remind yourself that it’s okay to not be perfect.

This is not a goodbye but a “see you soon”.

Learn from yesterday , live for today , hope for tomorrow

The only way to see a rainbow is to look through the rain.

Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality.

I’ll be strong, I’ll be wrong, oh but life goes on.

If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.

Dear Past, thanks for all the lessons. Dear Future, I’m ready.

When you bring peace to the past, you can move forward to the future.

What is meant for you will be yours. It’s only a matter of time.